dHealth 2024: 18-та годишна конференция по здравна информатика среща цифровото здраве, Виена, Австрия

Evgeniy Krastev, Emanuil Markov, Simeon Abanos, Ralitsa Krasteva, Dimitar Tcharaktchiev, Mapping the Bulgarian Diabetes Register to OMOP CDM: Application Results, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (dHealth 2024), Vienna, Austria, May 2024, pages: 28-33, ISSN (online): 978-1-64368-517-5, doi: 10.3233/SHTI240007, PMID: 38682500. (https://ebooks.iospress.nl/doi/10.3233/SHTI240007)

Mapping the Bulgarian Diabetes Register to OMOP CDM: Application Results

Abstract: The Bulgaria Diabetes Register (BDR) contains more than 380 millions of pseudonymized outpatient records with proprietary data structures and format. Objectives: This paper presents the application results and experience acquired during the process of mapping such observational health data to OMOP CDM with the objective of publishing it in the European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN) Portal. Methods: The data mapping follows the activities of the well-structured Extract-Transform-Load process. Unlike other publications, we focus on the need for preprocessing the data structures of raw data, cleaning data and procedures for assuring quality of data. Results: This paper provides quantitative and statistical measures for the records in the CDM database as published in the EHDEN Portal. Conclusion: The mapping of data from the BDR to OMOP CDM provides the EHDEN community with opportunities for including these data in large-scale project for evidence generation by applying standard analytical tools.

dHealth 2024 Programme
dHealth 2024 Committee